Cargo volume data to country and airport level

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For the month of Feb 2021
Region Import(kg) % %Change to Jan Export(kg) % %Change to Jan
AFGHANISTAN 102021.00 20.44% -74.49% 0.00 0.00% -100.00%
BANGLADESH 13516.32 2.71% -65.60% 221324.00 8.50% -39.00%
INDIA 363639.14 72.85% -24.13% 2190496.00 84.09% -1.09%
MALDIVES 0.00 0.00% -100.00% 1902.00 0.07% 103.42%
NEPAL 0.00 0.00% -100.00% 336.00 0.01% -92.73%
PAKISTAN 15430.00 3.09% -37.24% 131398.20 5.04% 10.44%
SRI LANKA 4586.00 0.92% 515.57% 59546.00 2.29% -49.08%
TTL 499192.46 100% -47.26% 2605002.20 100% -7.59%

Note: Due to different data sources, the above weight could be a discrepancy within±3% against the actual figure.