Cargo volume data to country and airport level

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For the month of Jul 2018
Region Import(kg) % %Change to June Export(kg) % %Change to June
AFGHANISTAN 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 11668.00 0.28% 120.98%
BANGLADESH 208133.20 25.73% 242.38% 444634.70 10.54% 35.92%
INDIA 526098.10 65.04% -13.90% 3462708.10 82.09% -0.90%
MALDIVES 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 156.00 0.00% 119.72%
NEPAL 0.00 0.00% -100.00% 35321.00 0.84% 5.03%
PAKISTAN 68954.00 8.52% 104.27% 182653.00 4.33% -15.81%
SRI LANKA 5731.00 0.71% -26.45% 81007.00 1.92% -38.93%
TTL 808916.30 100% 13.23% 4218147.80 100% 0.20%

Note: Due to different data sources, the above weight could be a discrepancy within±3% against the actual figure.