Cargo volume data to country and airport level

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For the month of Jul 2020
Region Import(kg) % %Change to June Export(kg) % %Change to June
AFGHANISTAN 0.00 0.00% -100.00% 2833.00 0.09% 2733.00%
BANGLADESH 54882.00 8.55% -11.84% 248462.10 7.52% 42.17%
INDIA 540333.80 84.15% -20.98% 2715972.00 82.24% 101.92%
NEPAL 1422.00 0.22% 186.12% 0.00 0.00% -100.00%
PAKISTAN 40494.40 6.31% 30.08% 260909.60 7.90% 113.85%
SRI LANKA 4972.00 0.77% 9370.48% 74441.00 2.25% 59.53%
TTL 642104.20 100% -17.52% 3302617.70 100% 95.42%

Note: Due to different data sources, the above weight could be a discrepancy within±3% against the actual figure.