Cargo volume data to country and airport level

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For the month of June 2021
Region Import(kg) % %Change to May Export(kg) % %Change to May
AUSTRALIA 1222494.90 76.99% -1.66% 1313250.70 76.13% 16.60%
FIJI 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 1214.00 0.07% -22.08%
NEW ZEALAND 365404.40 23.01% -32.75% 410200.60 23.78% 8.60%
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 351.00 0.02% -86.92%
TTL 1587899.30 100% -11.12% 1725016.30 100% 14.37%

Note: Due to different data sources, the above weight could be a discrepancy within±3% against the actual figure.