For the month of May 2022
AIRPORT Import(kg) % %Change to Apr Export(kg) % %Change to Apr
GDN 35.00 0.09% 4900.00% 82.00 0.09% 0.00%
KRK 1626.00 3.97% 0.00% 256.00 0.27% -60.92%
KTW 15975.20 39.01% 31.98% 6435.00 6.87% 424.88%
LCJ 2824.00 6.90% 2589.52% 0.00 0.00% 0.00%
WAW 20452.60 49.94% 808.40% 86845.00 92.77% 129.79%
WRO 42.00 0.10% -90.16% 0.00 0.00% 0.00%
TTL 40954.80 100% 175.09% 93618.00 100% 135.97%